Host Karyn Turk sits down with attorney & co-host #JoeCostello talking #hottopic child custody #paternity putative father registry with attorney Rhoda Sokoloff at the beautiful Riverside Hotel For more info on putative father registery and knowing your rights visit Turk, Mrs. Florida 2016 let us know your thoughts and topics that interest you tell us your story DM or email us
#TOXIC relationships affect everyone. #Change. #alimony #staytuned #alimonyreform #divorce #separation Karyn Turk #youvegotthis #newbeginnings #notalone Divorce Corp. #DevilinDivorce #divorced #movingon #youdeservehappiness #liveyourbestlife #freshstart #abuse #domesticviolence #parentalalienation #childsupport #relationshipissues #permanentalimony #hottopic #divorcesucks #law #judges #evendadscry

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