Host Karyn Turk sits down with attorney & co-host #JoeCostello talking #hottopic child custody #paternity putative father registry with attorney Rhoda Sokoloff at the beautiful Riverside Hotel For more info on putative father registery and knowing your rights visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putative_father_registry#childcustody#fathersrights#unwed#custody#children#putative#inthistogetherKaryn Turk, Mrs. Florida 2016 let us know your thoughts and topics that interest you tell us your story DM or email us tellus@devilindivorce.com
#TOXIC relationships affect everyone. #Change. #alimony #staytuned
#alimonyreform #divorce #separation Karyn Turk #youvegotthis
#newbeginnings #notalone Divorce Corp. #DevilinDivorce #divorced
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