Pilot shoot for Devil in Divorce Show an open panel discussion with experts on how and why the system is broken. Panel Discussion on the broken system of divorce. Doctors, lawyers, judges, and therapists Oh My!!! It’s a wrap on first of many segments to come! We’ve got answers, tips and resources on how to navigate and survive divorce in a broken system! Stay tuned follow us give us your stories! As we help change the system. We want to hear from you!!! With M. Gary Neuman, Robert Crispin, Yanique Otto, Lauren Rubel, Kandi Amelon, Michael Lohan, Liz Goodman-Pilkington, Allison Geller, Adam Swickle, alan frisher, susan greenhaut, Robert Crispin and Adam B. Swickle, P.A.. #staytuned for more insights and clips.

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