The Future of Mass Torts with Marcus Susen

Marcus Susen is a board certified civil trial lawyer in Florida. Mr. Susen was lead counsel in the consolidated Essure birth control litigation in the Eastern District of PA. The national litigation settled for approximately $1.6 billion in 2020. He then went on to launch his own nationwide practice, Susen Law Group, representing consumers injured by defective drugs, medical devices, sex abuse, and more. He currently serves on the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee for the Paragard birth control litigation and focuses his practice on women’s health advocacy.

On the show, Susen discusses the questionable relationship between the FDA and big pharma, the future of mass torts, and MDL reform efforts. You don’t want to miss this inside perspective.

As always please remember to subscribe and follow Mass Tort News on social media. Enjoy the show.

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