Creator and Speaker Wendi Blum & Lisa Sussman
Creator and Speaker Wendi Blum & Lisa Sussman

Creator Wendi Blum opened the weekends conference 

“Create Your Best Life 2017” with an open forum for sharing. The crowd of local professionals and those looking to connect stood and spoke of who and why they were at the conference and what the passion is that drives them. The Conference opened with lectures that pertain to practises in Social Media, Marketing, Entrepreneurship with an enthusiastic crowd of women and men looking to share ideas on success and learn tools to break down bearers in personal and professional lives. Erika Obando, the founder of SIDEPRENEUR 360 gave vital information that pertains to the social media age we all live in today. She spoke on the tools used in marketing such as the power of Instagram, FB, Periscope, and using LIVE feed features. All by the way, FREE! 
The 3 day event was attended by local professionals looking to connect and build upon ideas and beliefs, to help business grow, develop, or expand.  Wendi Blum herself has created a network of people who came together to share and compare methods, products, literature, and techniques to do just that. With a unique flair to guide those looking to tap into their inner voice. Wendi is passionate about inspiring millions of people to live fearlessly, transform old beliefs, and live their highest potential.  Her knowledge is multi faceted as she is the writer and the author of 5 books – known for her focus on reinvention, goal mastery, and business savvy – she is known as “the queen of reinvention” Her titles include: “Your Life, Your Destiny, Uncover Yours, LifeShift” and “Goals Setting Workbook: Success Strategies for The New Economy” 
The weekend of “Create Your Best Life” was filled with great energy. The Saturday am opened with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, with Jiwan Jaur and was followed by a lecture by 
Dr. Diana Kirschner on Overcoming Stress of The Outer World. The focus of the day Overcoming Stress, Mind Power and Success. 
Author Pam Grout inspired the crowd with her work shop style of lecture. Pam is a Hay House speaker and a 
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author “E-Squared” and with her latest book “Thank & Grow Rich” a 30-Day experiment in shameless gratitude and unabashed Joy.
 I was able to sit and ask Pam, “Why do you think we ask ourselves repetitive questions, and how do we break the cycle?” Pam answered with “Change your reality, meditation and connecting are the key. Even if your dancing in your kitchen, something you have never done before. Something this simple can help to break old patterns and create new pathways. You keep your world small as if the collapse of a wave is upon you when you do not reach out to connect with others who have so much to offer” ~ Pam Grout. Pam Energized the crowd by manifesting common shares and building on shared experiences with small workshops that help to build and bring out the common struggles and accomplishments that we all share in a community of business people.

Author Pam Grout #1 NY Times Best Selling Author “E-Squared”, People Magazine, Huffington Post,
Mary Wong ~ The Power of Sharing your Story
Mary Wong has an impressive resume indeed. She was a White House staffer involved with disaster relief among many hats and talents. Mary opened the weekends seminar with a heart felt story of personal struggles and triumphs to ask a simple question, “Who do you surround yourself with, and what is the clear outcome?” She went on to state that the effort you make towards your goals, that your destiny comes into play. With this concept fear is not a factor. Trusting your instincts and pushing through the hard and difficult times builds character and will fine tune your skills for achievement. 

“Wendi is passionate about inspiring millions of people to live fearlessly, transform old beliefs, and live their highest potential.” ~ Wendi Blum worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years until she felt a calling to completely change every aspect of her life. After two decades in a successful sales career and wearing many different hats including advocacy, sales, and training,  Wendi decided to re-write the story of her life literally and become an international inspirational speaker, author, workshop leader, success coach, and life shift retreat guru. For more information on the Create Your Best Life 2017 workshop and seminar or to learn more about Wendi Blum please visit:


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