Chef Maude Eaton and Lisa Sussman


Costa Palm Beach, FL Lisa Sussman – Many Americans are just one unexpected bill away from disaster. 64% of low-income parents say it would be difficult to feed their children if they encountered an unexpected expense, like a $1,500 car repair or a medical expense. And while life is unpredictable, that does not mean school meals should be. 57% of teachers regularly buy food for students who come to school hungry. $300.00 is the amount of their own money that most teachers spend each year buying food for students. NO KID HUNGRY a nonprofit organization out of Washington, DC is aimed to end childhood hunger in America. Along with their friends at Willams-Sonoma and local chef celebrities like head chef of Costa Palm Beach, David Valencia and Culinary Director at Williams-Sonoma Palm Beach, Chef Maude Eaton. I spoke to Maude at the event Thursday night. She said, “I wanted to bring a room of people together who really want to make a change and help our community near and far. I chose Costa Palm Beach because I wanted a relaxed, healthy, upscale venue that would bring out the best in all, and leave them wanting more.” The menu and wine pairings were the perfect compliment to the charity that was seen throughout the night.

Mission Statement

NO CHILD SHOULD GROW UP HUNGRY IN AMERICA. But 1 in 6 children struggles with hunger. Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign is ending childhood hunger in America by connecting kids in need with nutritious food and teaching families how to cook healthy, affordable meals. You can help surround kids with healthy food where they live, learn and play.

Speaker Douglas Caporrino and guest Laurel Wayne

Costa Palm Beach on Worth Avenue was the hub of fundraising activity this past Thursday. They held a food and wine pairing event that brought out the charity in all who attended. The group of 45+ were treated to an intimate dinner where the Mediterranean offerings coming out of the kitchen from Chef David Valencia were as beautiful as they were tasty. All entree’s were paired with a well rounded flavor of red and white wines. Owners Danielle and Sascha Bennemann were on hand to create the perfect setting for all to eat, drink, and be merry in the spirit of giving by providing a private room that closes from the main room with beautiful, high black framed doors.

The evening opened with a cocktail hour in the main dining room consisting of tapas, crudo bar style offerings including grilled artichoke, hummus,and custom made creations to pair with prosecco and cocktails. When all the guests were sat at large family style tables with elegant creations the host for the night Chef Maude Eaton, the Culinary Director at Willams-Sonoma, took the opportunity to thank all her guests for their charity and announced that prior to the event an anonymous benefactor, a regular at Costa, had donated a check in the amount of $5,000.00 to the nights efforts to raise money for No Kid Hungry. A thrilling moment for all who have worked so hard to create the type of event that is greeted with this generosity.

The nights menu was diverse and textured with flavors. The custom created menu consisted of appetizers like a delicate Vichyssoise. Dinner entrees of duck with white chocolate olive foie gras, moroccan lamb stew, and a house made spaghetti puttanesca that everyone loved. The care in the cooking and balance of flavor makes this Palm Beach restaurant a must try for all local foodies and visiting guests of Palm Beach. In between courses, internationally renowned speaker Douglas Caporrino spoke to the group on the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Some of the influencers in the charity event, Emily Pantelides and designer Angela Reynolds were amongst the discussion as Douglas opened the floor to a question and answer segment that ranged from aging to the 5 test you must have yearly and the exchange of information and interest in knowing more about your biochemical type and becoming a healthier you could have gone on all night. The nights event raised a lot of money for the type of foundation that directly funds programs and outreach for children. These types of events help to raise conscious awareness to what is happening in our community, and beyond. If you would like to help please visit #nokidhungry


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