The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce led by Dan Lindblade and 85 Chamber delegates and sponsored by Florida Power & Light made their way to the The Library of Congress, where several speakers touched on their work in Washington and heard our delegation’s requests. Among the speakers were Senator Rick Scott, #JustinSayfie of #BallardPartners Sayfie Review, representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters and Steven A. Cook from the Council on Foreign Relations. The day also presented opportunities for delegates to meet with Members of Congress including a meeting with Congressman Vern Buchanan. #makingadifference TravelHostFTL Broward Health GPR / Goodman Public Relations #DCSummit19 #WashingtonDCSummit19 City of Fort Lauderdale Port Everglades Heiko Dobrikow

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