We caught up with him at Rockfest now Bret Michaels will be cruising down the intracoastal this holiday season for the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino – Hollywood, FLWinterfest Boat Parade …We’ll be having Nothing but a Good Time! Winterfest Boat Parade is Saturday Dec. 14th, 2019 #boatparade#grandmarshalLisa Melanie#greatestshowonh20#winterfest2019Riverside HotelHeiko DobrikowGreater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce #WinterfestFL #WinterfestFL19

Tickets are on sale
The public will be able to purchase concert tickets for $70, $50, $40 and $30. Bret Michaels Concert is the night before the Parade (Dec. 13th). All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets online at https://www.myhrl.com and https://www.ticketmaster.com.


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