imageMelissa Bloom one of the girls of Party Girls with a cause is at it again with “Saving Children Through Art” – A Gala Event benefiting the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The Red Carpet event will be on September 28, 2013 at Jamali Gallery on Las Olas, in Ft. Lauderdale. The charity is raising money to help give children with brain cancer the gift that is always in fashion and never goes out of style: LIFE.
7pm – 10pm
Jamali Gallery
1018 E Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Please come dressed in black and white.
VIP $50.00 Private showing, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, red carpet party bag, and raffle drawing for a special Jamali print
The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation® (PBTF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization that seeks to
find the cause of and cure for childhood brain tumors by supporting medical research
increase public awareness about the severity and prevalence of childhood brain tumors
aid in the early detection and treatment of childhood brain tumors
support a national database on all primary brain tumors
provide educational and emotional support for children and families affected by this life-threatening disease.
When the PBTF was created in 1991, the diagnosis of a brain tumor was virtually a death sentence for a child. Because there was very little research being done into the disease, most treatments were ineffective or harsh, and most children did not survive to adulthood.
The PBTF has worked hard to change that reality. Researchers are developing new therapies that extend the lives of children, and we believe that their work will ultimately lead to a cure for this most devastating of childhood cancers. We rely on the members of our distinguished Scientific Advisory Board to help us evaluate the best funding opportunities in the brain tumor arena. Our Board of Directors also helps guide our funding decisions.
As the world’s largest non-governmental source of funding for childhood brain tumor research, we’re dedicated to not only eradicating this disease, but to providing support to families. Our educational resources deliver comfort and hope to families in need of information, and our college scholarship program gives brain tumor survivors a boost for the future.
Through our efforts to raise public awareness, more attention has been focused on this deadly disease. Whether addressing congressional briefings or funding international conferences, the PBTF is an unwavering advocate.
Together, we’re making a difference in the lives of children with brain tumors. And with your continued help, we will cure the kids!


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