After a wildly successful first tryout last week, Chicago House AC, Chicago’s newest professional soccer team, announced a second round of Open Tryouts from 11:00am-3:00pm on Saturday June 5th and from 9:00am-1:00pm on Sunday June 6th. This Open Tryout will once again be held at Chicago House AC’s training facility at ComEd Recreation Center, located at 1434 S. Loomis Street in Chicago.

Registration for this additional Open Tryout is required, and prospective players can now register by visiting There is a $100 registration fee to participate in this tryout. When registering, players are asked to fill out all the required information completely. Prospective players who took part in the first Open Tryout on May 22nd and May 23rd should not participate in the June 5th and 6th tryout.

This two-day tryout is limited to the first 60 players that register online, and players must be present for both days in order to be eligible for consideration on Chicago House AC’s inaugural team.

For the 2021 season, Chicago House AC plans on rostering 24 players, consisting of 21 field players and 3 goalkeepers. There are also plans to have a group of alternates or training players. Only players with valid U.S. Passports or valid Green Cards are eligible for the tryout and for consideration for a roster spot.

In an effort to create the most safe and healthy environment possible, Chicago House AC has implemented the following COVID-19 Protocols for the Open Tryouts at ComEd Recreation Center:


All participants are encouraged to be fully vaccinated prior to taking part in Open Tryouts (information on how to find a vaccination site near you can be found HERE.
Upon arrival each participant should check in at the registration table which will be located next to the field. Chicago AC staff will be present to provide instructions.
Each participant will be asked to complete any pending registration documents/waivers.
Each participant will have their temperature checked (anyone with a temperature 100.4 or above will not be allowed to participate in the tryout session. If you refuse to have your temperature taken you will not be allowed to participate in the tryout session.
Face coverings will be mandatory for ALL participants, friends, staff, and team personnel when not on the field participating in the tryouts. Anyone else not participating on the field MUST wear a face covering at all times.
Due to COVID-19 safety restrictions each player should bring their own water/isotonic beverage. We will not be providing this on-site.

For more information on Chicago House AC’s Open Tryouts on June 5th and 6th at ComEd Recreation Center, please visit or email



Founded in 2020, Chicago House Athletic Club is a community-based professional soccer team which will begin play in Fall 2021 at the 20,000 capacity SeatGeek Stadium at 71st and Harlem in Bridgeview, Illinois. The team will compete in the National Independent Soccer Association (NISA,) a U.S. Soccer sanctioned third division league. Led by Managing Partner, President & CEO Peter Wilt, Chicago House AC is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) committed to transparency and working with its constituents to use its platform for social justice, diversity, equality, inclusion and community improvement. For more information, contact us at, visit and follow on social media @ChicagoHouse_AC. “Of Chicago, By Chicago, For Chicago.” | “Our City, Our House.”



The National Independent Soccer Association was founded in 2017 with a mission to bring professional soccer to every city in the United States. A pro league member of U.S. Soccer, NISA focuses on a model based on meritocracy, independent clubs controlling their own league, clubs owning their intellectual property, all without the barrier of territorial rights. Sanctioned by the U.S. Soccer Federation, NISA also runs the mid-summer pro-am Independent Cup tournament, the year-long amateur league NISA Nation, and NISA Media. For more information about NISA visit or contact at Follow NISA on Twitter @NISALeague and on Instagram @nisasoccer.

Photo Credit via Chicago House AC


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