Sure, Chicago’s summer is full of music festivals. But some of us just aren’t into street fests that much. Or, we may want to try something different. Either way, if you feel that nerdy self is popping their head out lately, mark your calendar for the one-of-a-kind Science Fest happening at the International Museum of Surgical Science (IMSS) on Saturday, June 17, 2023, in partnership with the Illinois Science Council. Last minute tickets are $55 for Adults, $42 for Students, and $32 for Children under 13 and can be purchased here.

Image Credit: IMSS

Things to Do

If you think the festival will only focus on the medical field, as it’s happening at IMSS, think twice. Topics at the 2023 Science Fest include Climate Change in Urban Environments, AI & Astrophysics, Forensic Science in Anthropology, Species Conservation in Birds, and Why Human Brains Remember Some Images and Forget Others. In addition to scientists talks and hands-on demos throughout the museum, you’ll also have access to all the Museum’s exhibits. Afterward, you can join practicing scientists for a social hour and continue the exciting discussions.

Some current programs available on view at IMSS include:

Image Credit: IMSS

Life and Limb: The Toll of the American Civil War


The exhibition explores the experiences of men whose lives were saved by sacrificing limbs during the war and disabled veterans in the post-war period. Over three million soldiers fought in the American Civil War. Containing photography, paintings, posters, etc., this is a great exhibition for anybody interested in Civil War history.

Erin Elliott, Sugar Decay, USF (Tampa, USA)



Curated by Megan Euker, BODIES III features preliminary designs intended to increase accessibility, promote healthy behaviors, create comfort and improve safety. After consulting with medical professionals and undergoing critiques, they modified their ideas and remade their objects at full scale.

These designed objects create a social impact by making it easier for all kinds of bodies to move through the world. They also spark new questions: what mental and physical constraints do our bodies place on us all? What are the best uses of designed objects in the fields of health, medicine, and surgery? And how do you design your own environment to fit your day-to-day needs? Works in this exhibition explore these fundamental ideas of ability and the body.


Image Credit: IMSS

Strips & Needles

The project is a narrative art and medicine initiative centered on the installation of 366 Lucite panels. Each panel encapsulates the syringes and test strips used by the artist each day. A digital story loop plays alongside the installation, connected to a participatory station for visitors to share their own stories and ideas. A primary goal of this project is to create a humanizing opportunity for healthcare providers and students of medicine and allied health fields to reflect and reconsider the patient.


Image Credit: IMSS

About IMSS

The International Museum of Surgical Science, a Division of the International College of Surgeons, was founded in 1954 by Dr. Max Thorek. The Museum is committed to enriching lives by enhancing an appreciation and understanding of the history, development, and advances in surgery and related subjects in health and medicine. The Museum is located in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood and is housed in a historic lake-shore mansion designed in the early 20th century by Howard Van Doren Shaw.

Image Credit: International Museum of Surgical Science


The post Have Fun with Science at IMSS this Saturday appeared first on UrbanMatter.


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