You might have already seen the video below. @BarstoolChicago relinked this video of a guy that buried a bottle of Tito’s in Grant Park, three weeks before Lolla and dug it up.

Do you really have to respect it, though?

This guy buried a bottle of Tito’s in Grant Park 3 weeks ago and dug it up during Lolla. Have to respect it

— Barstool Chicago (@barstoolchicago) August 1, 2021


One reason I do not respect this video is due to the fact it’s merely a bottle of Tito’s. Sure, Tito’s is an absolutely great bang for your buck. Quality vodka at a non-ridiculous price. But if you’re going to bury booze, how about a 4.5 liter of Grey Goose? Now that would be special.


The real reason I am not impressed is that people have impressed me more. More specifically, at Rebelution’s 2014 Lollapalooza set. You can watch a video sample below, but honestly this was one of the most righteous times I’ve ever had.


During the middle of the set—and my ex-girlfriend, aunt & uncle, brother, and friends I was with can all attest to this—some kid started holding a full-sized weed plant above his head. Not like a fake plant, or something he ripped off the mother plant. This was the mother plant, in a pot that I would imagine anybody under 100lbs wouldn’t be able to pick up on their own.

Although awesome, I was dumbfounded. HOW did he get that in there? Did he bring that in just for the Rebelution show? How did he carry it around all day?


These questions went unanswered for years. Then, I saw the video that Barstool posted. Which, by the way, has been done for as long as remember by Chicagoans. Except now, the dots have been connected. The Lolla ’14 weed pot mystery had been solved.

How did that kid get a garden-sized pot, with a 5-foot (at-the-time) illegal pot plant, through Lollapalooza security? He didn’t….he planted it in the park weeks before.


I wouldn’t say this mystery has been fully solved, but we’re getting there. If you or somebody you know has any information on this crucial, developing story…please email me.

Featured Image Credit: WGNTV


For additional Lollapalooza coverage and interviews with up-and-coming acts, check out all of our coverage here.

The post I Solved the Weed Plant Mystery from Lollapalooza ’14 appeared first on UrbanMatter.


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