REBOOTRedEYE is the hottest art and entertainment event of the summer. An underground art tour de force, RedEYE this year is “ReBOOTED” to feature street art, comic art, body art, urban inspired and cutting edge art and social commentary. Visual art and performance pieces are complemented by live bands, digital art displays, interactive installations, fashion, food trucks, indie film shorts and wild fun.

It’s the hottest art event of the summer. Don’t be left in the cold.

multi-media event | july 19 6-10p

exhibit runs | july 7- aug 15


Watch highlights from last year

Featured Artists | Ruben Ubiera | Anthony Hernandez | Marvel | Tati Suarez

Live Art Performance Pieces Chnk | Sherryl Muriente | Body & Soul Dance Theatre | Pam Trent of Wicked Apple Art | Corey James Bost

Digital Art Sri Prabha

Installations Beth Amato | Beju Lejobart | Tabatha Mudra | Nancy Goldwin | Donna Haynes | Erin Bassett

Short Film Michael Chasin | Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival

Spoken Word Darius Daughtry | The Jason Taylor Foundation’s bluapple poetry network


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