Jackie Watson, French Reporter with Perez Hilton at La Vie En Blue benefiting Autism Speaks
Jackie Watson, French Reporter with Perez Hilton at La Vie En Blue benefiting Autism Speaks
Los Angeles, 29 September 2016 – Host and French Reporter, Jackie Watson was blessed to be part of an amazing event, La Vie En Blue 2016 Fashion Gala for Autism Speaks At the Warner Brother’s Studios. This inaugural event was a Parisian-themed evening of high fashion and one-of-a-kind costumes. It also honoured Steven Grossman and Harry Topping, Jr. for “their exemplary leadership, longstanding support, and generous commitment to Autism Speaks.”

Autism Speaks is the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization. They coordinate several different fronts of advocacy for autism on a federal and state level, and organize and support several events to raise awareness and funds, as well as educate parents of autistic children and adults with autism, and how to live the best life despite its challenges.

“Events like these really help promote understanding and acceptance for people who are on the autism spectrum and the challenges, sometimes, that they and their families face.” explained Angela Timashenka Geiger, president and CEO of Autism Speaks, on why La vie En Blue Fashion Gala for Autism speaks is such an important event.

Antonio Jaramillo was also there, saying: “Autism Speaks is very important to me. I have a son who has autism. So, anything that has to do with autism, I have to show my face and show my support because it is very important that we give them the resources they need so that they can keep helping parents, like myself, you know in the beginning it was very difficult I had no idea what it was. And so they teach you, they give you all the tools you need to learn.”

Kym Whitley added: “I have a lot of friends who have children with autism and I just think, well one thing is a lot of people aren’t aware of what it is so I think education is key.”

Jackie had a dream come true when meeting the one and only Perez Hilton (Mr. Hilton got a hug!) Asked why, out of all the events he is invited to so regularly, he chose to attend this one, he told us: “I’m here tonight for many reasons; first of all I really care about children and also I think we are so close to finding a cure for autism. We’ve already made great progress in treating children with autism but I think that a cure is imminent. So I want to help raise awareness and funds. I’m a father of two and one of my dear friends, Steven Grossman, is being honoured tonight.”

Host Kevin Frazier summed the event up nicely by saying: “Look at the beautiful women on the red carpet (blue Mr. Frazier, but we’ll let it slide this time!), it’s a great night, a perfect night for a party. And also we are here to support a great cause, Autism Speaks is an amazing organization that does incredible work, and so for me to be out here tonight, lucky enough to host this event is a blessing. We all talk about what we want to do but the important thing is: put your money where your mouth is. And if you really believe you want to help this cause, then put your money up. Don’t talk about it, it’s nice that you tweet, but put your money up.”

If you wish to learn more about Autism Speaks, visit www.autismspeaks.org and find out how you can support or donate to this incredible organization, or participate in one of the many Autism Speaks Walks or other sporting events they have around the country.

Written by: Miquette Caalsen


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