Doc_Kelly_197x252Spotlight Organization piece By Edwin L. Crammer CPA: – Dynamic Health Care Providers Inc. a local Health and Welfare organization, currently located in Lauderhill, Florida was founded by Dr. Samuel Kelly in 1985. This organization provides housing, food, and counseling to a number of indigent individuals and families in Broward County. In order to meet the needs of those people that they serve, the organization rents a number of residential facilities throughout Broward County to house the people it serves. In addition the organization provides assistance in helping those individuals maintain proper nutrition and help them find meaningful employment in the area.
In order to meet its needs, they receive most of the funds to run the organization, and pay the costs associated with the people they serve from a Florida Grant. However, with the costs of maintaining its operations increasing each year the funds it receives from the State are never enough to cover its entire cost of operation.
In addition to the above services, the organization performs and provides counseling to those individuals who they believe are in dire need. When you are down and out, an individual often suffers from low esteem. This makes it worse when that individual attempts to cope with life. Assisting the organization with counseling Reverend James E. Bias Apostle of the Agape Christian Ministries also located in Lauderhill is there to assist them, with those individuals and families who need spiritual counseling.
As I have stated the organization was formed in 1985. This was before I was acquainted with the organization. The organizations founder, Dr Samuel Kelly, was ill advised in forming the original corporation. He was told to set the corporation as a “For Profit” organization when they should have been set up as a “Not for Profit” organization. If they would have set up their organization as a “Not For Profit” organization they would have been allowed to receive donations from outside donors as well as the funds they currently receive from the State. If they were to change this designation now, they would lose the grant they have with the State and have to apply for a new grant which could take a number of months or possibly be turned down.
They can still receive gifts of tangible items that they can give to the people they serve as long as the value of those items are miniscule in nature. Anyone wishing to donate cash to use to help the families they support, they can donate the cash through the church “Agape Christian Ministries” so that they can take the donation as a tax deduction on their income tax return. If any of my readers wish to contribute any of those items or if any of you have living facilities that are not occupied but you would like to help out by providing housing for some of their needy people at no cost, let the organization know. However, keep in mind because they are not a “Not for Profit” organization those gifts of property are not deductible for taxes. Think of them as a “Gift from the heart” Samuel Kelly can be reached at. 954-202-9334. Give him a call. He would much appreciate it.
They need your help if they are going to be able to survive and continue to provide the much needed help to the community.
UPDATE…. Several month ago, I reported in the column, a story about Nova Southeastern Universities plan to build a teaching hospital at its campus in Davie, Florida. The hospital was supposed to be constructed by the Hospital Corporation of America.
The hospital was designed to work hand in hand with the on campus Medical school. It would be designated to operate as a teaching tool for the students at the medical school as well as serving as a research center. There has been considerable opposition to the plan by all non-HCA hospitals located in Broward County. The other hospitals contend that there are currently enough hospital services available in the area to serve the community and that the addition of a new facility would be overkill.
A ruling was handed down last Friday, by the State of Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration. The ruling stated that the request by HCA along with Nova Southeastern University to build that hospital was denied. In making their decision they stated that HCA had not been able to demonstrate the need to build the hospital being that all of the other nearby hospitals were not operating at full capacity.
In response, HCA and Nova Southeastern vowed to continue the fight to build the hospital and hopefully in the near future they would succeed. I will keep you abreast of this matter as it plays out over time.


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