Congratulations to the Sanctuary Stars Leadership Broward Class XXXI for winning this year’s community project.
The project was assigned to the six-person team of Ken Stiles, Traci Kratish, Monica Wesolowski, Jody Ellis, Jim Gouveia and Ana Calderon.
Calling themselves the “Sanctuary Stars,” the team helped make the Serenity Room a reality. Stiles enlisted the assistance of his employer, Stiles Corp., which orchestrated the planning, permitting and construction. Stiles said one of the biggest challenges was the financing of the roughly $90,000 project and figuring out ways to get all of the services and labor donated.
Fort Lauderdale – On May 13 Sanctuary Stars Leadership Broward Class XXXI held there dedication ceremony of the new serenity room at the Covenant House.
About Covenant House:
Our Vision to Help Homeless Kids
Each year in the U.S. alone, as many as 2 million youth experience a period of homelessness, and every year more than 5,000 of these young people lose their lives to the streets. Their hope and promise are lost forever unless they find someone – like Covenant House – to love and care for them.
Our job is to protect the rights of young people … to fight for these rights … to speak for those who have no voice of their own.
Covenant House doesn’t forget about all the kids who are no longer here because no one cared – we hold their memory in our hearts while moving forward in our efforts to help all the scared and lonely kids who are still out there waiting.
Homeless kids have rights. They have the right to a home … the right to food … the right to guidance and an education … the right to be free from sexual, emotional, or physical abuse … and the right to be free from exploitation. These kids have the right to be safe and – most important – to be loved.
Our Mission and Vision Are Governed by Five Basic Principles
Homeless kids come to Covenant House in crisis. Immediately and without question, we meet their basic human needs – a nourishing meal, a shower, clean clothes, medical attention, and a safe place away from the dangers of the street.
Homeless kids arriving at our door are often frightened and mistrustful. Young men and women can grow only when they feel safe and secure – Covenant House protects them from the perils of the street and offers that important sense of security.
Value Communication
Lying, cheating, and stealing are common survival tools on the street. Covenant House teaches by example that caring relationships are based on trust, respect, and honesty.
Homeless kids never know how they will get their next meal or where they will sleep. Covenant House provides the stability and structure necessary to build a positive future.
Young people often feel powerless to control their lives and fall into a self-defeating cycle of failure. Covenant House fosters confidence, encouraging young people to believe in themselves and make smart choices for their lives.
Covenant House is dedicated to serving all God’s children with absolute respect and unconditional love … to help suffering homeless kids … and to protect and safeguard all children in need.


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