i-can-do-it-seminarGet in the flow at I Can Do It!® Fort Lauderdale and learn how to sail through life, even during your darkest hour!

Known as the “Venice of America,” Ft Lauderdale’s expansive and intricate canal system is much like our personal navigation through life. Join us at I Can Do It!® Fort Lauderdale and learn how to sail through life and traverse the tumultuous waters and winds of change for a healthier, happier life with your favorite Hay House authors!

Share a weekend with some of the most inspiring and thought provoking authors of our time as they share how to:

See obstacles as opportunities
Enrich your relationships
Heal past pain
Tap into EFT to eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors
Use meditation to ease worry and frustration
Make positive choices stick –choosing foods, thoughts, and spiritual practices that nourish your body, mind and soul!
And so much more!

Give yourself the gift of a healthier, happier you! Say YES to being your best and join us at I Can Do It!® FORT LAUDERDALE!
Venue Seating Description
Preferred Section is the first group of 500 seats closest to the stage.
General Section is all remaining seats.
Each Section is open seating – first com, first served.

Click read more to view the full schedule.


9:30 am – 10:30 am
The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind Notes from the Universe, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. This afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance.

10:30 am – 11:30 am
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms.

The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this lecture you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want.

11:30 am – 1:00 pm LUNCH ON YOUR OWN

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self
In this life-changing presentation, New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner will show you how to use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. If you believe that deep down you have more to give, a bigger life vision to fulfill and you want to overcome old patters of self-sabotage and procrastination, than this presentation is for you. Learn how to release daily stress, clear old emotional traumas and patterns and manifest your greatest self!

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Miracles Now
Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth. Learn to take ownership of your hidden intuitive powers and use them for the highest good.
New York Times best-selling author and international speaker Gabrielle Bernstein teaches you how to amplify your intuition and keep guidance flowing freely. She calls on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, combining them with powerful Kundalini Yoga and meditation practices that open you to inner wisdom.

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm BREAK

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
The Motivation Manifesto
Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.


9:30 am – 10:30 am
Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance
Want some really good news? Growing older need not be associated with deterioration and poor health – no matter what you’ve seen and heard all around you your whole life. As Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute says, “Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional”. Research on hundreds of healthy centenarians around the world– people who are joyfully living happy and productive lives at 100 and beyond – has demonstrated that all of these people have a certain consciousness– a way of thinking and living that we can all learn to emulate. And this consciousness gets translated right into their cells and states of health. These individuals don’t have any special gene pool either– most have parents who died in their 70’s. You too can learn the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation at any age and any stage. And this all begins with uncovering the beliefs and behaviors that are running your biology in the first place.

In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism- and all the beliefs that keep it going – on its head! She knows that the experience of getting older is actually an opportunity to increase our knowledge and our value. That means that no matter how old you are, you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup’s blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you—not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to name and then release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be.

10:30 am – 11:30 am
The Secrets of Inner Peace
In this transformational, interactive session, you’ll learn practical tools, in-the-moment tips, and timeless techniques for connecting with your deepest source, releasing what no longer serves you, discovering your divine purpose, and finding the best version of you. Whether you are coping with overwhelm, moving through change, or ready to take your life to the next level, davidji – the world-renowned Vedic master & meditation teacher- will help you transform.

11:30 am – 1:00 pm LUNCH ON YOUR OWN

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Say Yes to Your Crazy Sexy Life
New York Times best selling author, Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris embarked on a wellness adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global health revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. She’ll explain that true self-care goes beyond kale and includes embracing fear, taking risks and saying yes to your crazy sexy life!”

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Bring your purpose to life
There’s one key element that is missing from fully embodying your purpose – courageous action. During this workshop, learn vital keys to face your fear, get rid of your limiting beliefs and become the person who personifies all the wisdom that you’ve read. It’s time to set a new standard and go from simply reading books and consuming personal growth material to stepping into who you’re meant to be. Let’s find your courage, take action and bring your purpose to life.

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm BREAK

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
The Magic of Ordinary Life
Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Human: By Design
Why You’re “Wired” for Extraordinary Powers of Deep Intuition, Pre-cognition, Super Healing and More!
We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we answer a single question: Who Am I? New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to this timeless question. Now we know that we’re absolutely “wired” to be extraordinary and understanding our personal wiring is the key. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to extraordinary experiences that have been considered rare and mystical in the past. These include expanded states of deep intuition and direct knowing, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), dialing the “hot-line” into healthy subconscious beliefs, creating a super-enhanced immune system, the triggering of anti-aging hormones and much, much more!

In this highly visual, multi-media and experiential presentation Gregg will share the discoveries that leave no doubt that we’re much more than we’ve been led to believe, and even beyond what we may have imagined in the past. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to discover for yourself why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary!

Saturday | October 15, 2016
Mike Dooley
The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
9:30 am – 10:30 am

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind Notes from the Universe, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. This afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance.
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
10:30 am – 11:30 am

Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this lecture you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want.
Nick Ortner
The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

In this life-changing presentation, New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner will show you how to use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. If you believe that deep down you have more to give, a bigger life vision to fulfill and you want to overcome old patters of self-sabotage and procrastination, than this presentation is for you. Learn how to release daily stress, clear old emotional traumas and patterns and manifest your greatest self!
Gabrielle Bernstein
Miracles Now
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth. Learn to take ownership of your hidden intuitive powers and use them for the highest good. New York Times best-selling author and international speaker Gabrielle Bernstein teaches you how to amplify your intuition and keep guidance flowing freely. She calls on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, combining them with powerful Kundalini Yoga and meditation practices that open you to inner wisdom.
Brendon Burchard
The Motivation Manifesto
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
Sunday | October 16, 2016
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance
9:30 am – 10:30 am

Want some really good news? Growing older need not be associated with deterioration and poor health – no matter what you’ve seen and heard all around you your whole life. As Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute says, “Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional”. Research on hundreds of healthy centenarians around the world– people who are joyfully living happy and productive lives at 100 and beyond – has demonstrated that all of these people have a certain consciousness– a way of thinking and living that we can all learn to emulate. And this consciousness gets translated right into their cells and states of health. These individuals don’t have any special gene pool either– most have parents who died in their 70’s. You too can learn the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation at any age and any stage. And this all begins with uncovering the beliefs and behaviors that are running your biology in the first place.

In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism- and all the beliefs that keep it going – on its head! She knows that the experience of getting older is actually an opportunity to increase our knowledge and our value. That means that no matter how old you are, you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup’s blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you—not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to name and then release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be.
The Secrets of Inner Peace
10:30 am – 11:30 am

In this transformational, interactive session, you’ll learn practical tools, in-the-moment tips, and timeless techniques for connecting with your deepest source, releasing what no longer serves you, discovering your divine purpose, and finding the best version of you. Whether you are coping with overwhelm, moving through change, or ready to take your life to the next level, davidji – the world-renowned Vedic master & meditation teacher- will help you transform.
Kris Carr
Say Yes to Your Crazy Sexy Life
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

New York Times best selling author, Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris embarked on a wellness adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global health revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. She’ll explain that true self-care goes beyond kale and includes embracing fear, taking risks and saying yes to your crazy sexy life!”
Mastin Kipp
Bring your purpose to life
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

There’s one key element that is missing from fully embodying your purpose – courageous action. During this workshop, learn vital keys to face your fear, get rid of your limiting beliefs and become the person who personifies all the wisdom that you’ve read. It’s time to set a new standard and go from simply reading books and consuming personal growth material to stepping into who you’re meant to be. Let’s find your courage, take action and bring your purpose to life.
Cheryl Richardson
The Magic of Ordinary Life
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.
Gregg Braden
Human: By Design Why You’re Wired for Extraordinary Powers of Deep Intuition, Pre-cognition, Super Healing and More
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we answer a single question: Who Am I? New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to this timeless question. Now we know that we’re absolutely “wired” to be extraordinary and understanding our personal wiring is the key. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to extraordinary experiences that have been considered rare and mystical in the past. These include expanded states of deep intuition and direct knowing, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), dialing the “hot-line” into healthy subconscious beliefs, creating a super-enhanced immune system, the triggering of anti-aging hormones and much, much more!

In this highly visual, multi-media and experiential presentation Gregg will share the discoveries that leave no doubt that we’re much more than we’ve been led to believe, and even beyond what we may have imagined in the past. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to discover for yourself why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary!


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