imageAt the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation’s Second Annual Walk Off For Cancer, we will be walking a 5K to celebrate Anthony being Cancer Free for 5 years! Together we will go 5-5! The Walk Off will take place at Pine Trails Park in Parkland, Florida. The event will consist of a 5K walk, entertainment, and refreshments from local merchants, exciting raffle prizes and special guest appearances from local dignitaries. Anthony will also be in attendance during the entire event. This event is family friendly and is appropriate for all ages to attend. Registration is available for $30.00 per person until 10 PM on December 14, 2013. Registration is limited to a 1,000 people, so online registration is preferred. We will be offering onsite registration on Sunday, December 15, 2013 from 7:30-9:00 AM. The registration fee includes access to food and beverage, a T-shirt and an Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation wristband. Individuals may register for this event or groups may form their own teams. Special awards will be given to attendees for reaching various fundraising levels.
For more info and registration
Anthony’s Story
Thank you for your interest in the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation. Some of you may know my story, but for those of you who are not familiar with it, I’d like to fill you in. As a child it was always my dream to play baseball. In 2007, at the age of 17 I was drafted by the Boston Red Sox organization out of High School. In 2008, at 18 years old, I was beginning a new journey as a professional baseball player in Greenville, SC. I was in Single A ball when my excitement came to an abrupt halt. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I was Shocked! I went through six months of chemotherapy. This was very tough for my family as my Grandma was also battling breast cancer at the same time. As bad as I felt I never let on. I knew I had to stay strong for everyone around me. I then realized that no matter how difficult fighting cancer was for me, it was even more difficult for my family. I believe that an individual does not battle cancer, but rather the whole family does. So with the help of my family, friends and The Boston Red Sox Organization on September 2, 2008, my doctor, Izidore Lossos gave me the Great news, “ I was in Remission”. I still had six weeks left of treatment and some follow up testing and then finally, on November 18, 2008, Dr. Lossos told me “I can live a normal life”. At that point I knew I wanted to become a role model to help cancer patients and their families. Thus, in 2012, The Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation began. It is a non- profit 501(c)(3) organization benefiting cancer research and the families fighting the disease. I appreciate your love and support and thank you for stepping up to the plate in the fight against cancer.
Stay Strong and Have Faith
Anthony Rizzo, #44
Chicago Cubs First Baseman


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