Hyatt Extreme Christmas is a Residential Holiday Display of Mark and Kathy Hyatt.
The Hyatt’s have been decorating their Home ever since they got married in 1990 and each year they get bigger and brighter.
Eye on South Florida got an opportunity to spend some time with the Hyatt Family.

** Operating Dates**
November 29th 2014 – December 29th, 2014
Display Hours
Sunday – Thursday 6:00 – 10:00pm | Friday & Saturday 6:00 – 11:00pm
*Final Day Gates will open December 23rd!!* | Lights will remain lit until December 29th
When Visiting Hyatt Extreme Christmas
• Donate/Bring a Can or Non Perishable Food Item as we Support the Broward County Food Bank.
• Donate to the Animals as we Support The Humane Society of Broward County.
• Stop by our “Salute the Troops Table” to Make a Holiday Card for a Military Service Person overseas who may not otherwise receive a card this Holiday Season.


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  • Essentials
  • Marilyn, Jurassic & Chaplin (Berlinale coulisses)
  • Trabie (Berlinale coulisses)
  • Pastel (Berlinale coulisses)
  • Projector (Berlinale coulisses)
  • damier
  • Lynn
  • écharpe
  • Tricia Tuttle (Berlinale direction and management)

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