Key Points
– Under the American with Disabilities Act, those with substance use disorder are
considered to have a disability; this protects individuals who are in recovery or have used
drugs in the past. This extends to inmates within the prison system who are prescribed
medications for opioid use disorder.
– A pathway to recovery is essential for all individuals, including those who may be in
prison on drug-related charges. Many of the individuals who are incarcerated on drugrelated crimes are dealing as a means to get their own drugs in the midst of substance use
– I agree that addressing some of the key social determinants of health are key to helping
non-violent offenders with persistent substance abuse problems break the cycle of their
addiction. This includes access to medical care, as well as food, steady income, housing,
and access to transportation and education opportunities.
– While I believe that violent drug dealers should be appropriately punished under the law,
I would argue that those who are merely engaging in a system because they are actively
addicted to the drugs they sell should be afforded an appropriate opportunity for recovery