Each year, the “100 Outstanding Women of Broward County” event showcases and celebrates the accomplishments of women who have impacted Broward’s business, community, and philanthropic fields. The evening featured an extended social cocktail hour, silent auction and dinner. The honorees were then recognized, followed by a live auction.
The audience included a “Who’s Who” of more than 1,100 leaders celebrating and honoring the 100 outstanding women.
The 2013 honorees included event founder and President of the Prestige Club, Polly Wilkie; radio host Susan Wise who also served as the event MC; and Angela Loehr Chrysler, President and CEO of Team National.
“The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County’s 100 Outstanding Women event recognizes the contributions of women in their professional, family, and philanthropic lives. These outstanding women are role models for our girls to emulate, as they pursue their own academic and career goals in the future. We are excited to honor these women for all that they have provided to the community,” said Brian Quail, CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County.
The Event chairs were Kim Sweers of Fastboats Marine Group, Ann D’Auria of BB&T, and honorary chair Gale Butler of AutoNation.
“I am truly honored to be chairing the Boys & Girls Club’s 100 Outstanding Women of Broward for 2013. It is inspiring to see women of various backgrounds that have contributed so much to our community of Broward County through career achievement, philanthropy, nonprofit advocacy, and volunteerism,” said Ann D’Auria.
2013 Honorees
Year                              Last Name First Name
2010, 2011, 2013   Alfonso Rixys
2009, 2010, 2013  Alters Rachel
2013                            Alvarez Vineta Susan
2012, 2013               Anderson, MSW Laurina
2013                            Asseff Patty
2013                            Balaban Cheryl
2013                            Beck Shelley
2013                            Bianchi Tracht Debroah
2013                            Blanco Linda
2012, 2013               Bolitho Linda
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Bonville Claudette
2013                            Burnette Barbara
2013                            Calvert Mary
2012, 2013               Camasso Barbara
2013                            Campbell Dr. Kate
2013                            Cannon Kathleen
2013                            Chapman Lydya
2013                            Clark Lyn Jasper
2013                            Cohen Jennifer
2013                            Cole Juanique
2013                            Cremer Debbie
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 D’Auria Ann
2013                            DeStasio Linda
2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 DiMarco Michelle
2013                            Donnelly Cathy
2013                            Duncan Ellis Eugenia
2013                            Ehrlich Judge Merrilee
2013                            Farber-Ross Michelle
2013                            Filhaber Dale
2013                            Fravel Chelsie
2013                            Galan Pamela
2013                            Gonzalez Kimberly
2013                            Gousse Melissa
2013                            Grossman Nicki
2013                            Harrison Carol
2013                            Hatcher, CPO Diane A.
2013                            Heyder Amanda
2013                            Hirsh Fran
2013                            Holshouser Courtney
2013                            Homoky Michelle
2013                            Hooper Aimee
2013                             Ingraham Jenna
2010, 2012, 2013 Janssen Alexandra T.
2009, 2010, 2013 Jenkins Tera
2013                           Jennings Gail
2013                           Johnson Elaine
2013                           Kerr Lana
2013                            King Dr. Elizabeth
2013                            Klotz Macy Kristi
2013                            Little Jennifer
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Loehr-Chrysler Angela
2013                           Lovitt Alyssa
2013                           Lukasik Linda
2013                          Mallet Brenda
2013                          Marino Lois
2013                          Markham Dana
2013                          Marotta, Ph. D Priscilla
2010, 2012, 2013 Mastriana-Solal Alexandra
2013                          Mayersohn Leah
2013                           Miceli Lisa
2013                           Migdall Suzanne
2012, 2013              Mills-Coore Catherine
2013                           Murphy Kelly
2013                           Myatt Karen
2013                           Nolan Andria
2009, 2012, 2013 Nordeen Peggy
2013                           Norman-Figueiredo Trish
2009, 2010, 2013 Oller Ronnie
2013                           Pallesen Christine Ramirez
2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Parlavechhio-Ortis Barbara
2013                           Patterson, DDS April “Dr. Patty”
2013                           Phillips Sharon
2013                           Plateroti Trisha
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Porter Jonnine
2013                           Rodriguez Yolanda A.
2013                           Roloff Tracy
2013                           Ross Durée
2013                           Rubin Sills Holly
2013                           Sandoval Shireen
2013                           Satterlee Joy
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Saumsiegle Julie
2013                           Schechter Barbara
2013                           Seiden Sandra
2013                           Seminario Carola
2013                           Shareif Barbara
2013                           Shecter Kerrie
2013                           Slaughter Jill
2013                           Sortal Robyn
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Starkey Councilwoman Susan
2013                            Stasi Meghan
2013                           Thanos, DMD Leana
2013                            Tinoco-Friedman Amy
2013                           Travisano Jacqueline
2013                           Trimm-Angelone Trina
2013                           Tuggle Michelle
2013                           Vento Ana
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Waldman Aleida
2009, 2010, 211, 2012, 2013 Wilkie Polly
2013                           Williams Sonja
2013                           Wise Susan
2013                           Zaffere Kimberly
2013                           Zelman Debbie
2013                           Zimet Debbie


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