This year the Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center (CDTC) hosted a “Greatest Hits” celebration March 9 at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 to celebrate its 30th anniversary of providing care to children with special health care needs in Broward County. The gala also recognized the center’s important milestone and the legacy of founder and CEO Susan M. Widmayer for her work to improve the health and well being of more than 200,000 children and their families over the past 30 years. Under Widmayer’s guidance, CDTC has been recognized as a “Center of Excellence” for successfully treating developmentally delayed and medically complex children in Broward County.
Sponsors for this event include The Wasie Foundation, I. Lorraine Thomas, The Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation, Audrey Millsaps, Ira and Penny Vernon, Southern Wine & Spirits, BrandsMart USA, AutoNation, Hyatt Regency Pier 66, Broward Health, Pediatrix Medical Group, Leo Goodwin Foundation, Jim and Judy Ambrose, AT&T, JM Family Enterprises, Lloyd and Tammy Berger, Juliette Lippman, Miller Construction, PeytonBolin PL, SK Hammer & Associates, Stewart and Carolyn Wechsler, The Mark J. Gordon Foundation and Kauffman, Hall & Associates.


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