March 1, 2013 Till We Meet Again Charity held a fundraiser at William Debilzan Art Gallery in Delray Beach to raise money for Haley Kennedy who is fighting a rare form of leukemia. Artist Burt Young and Steven Colucci offered their art work for auction to help raise money for the charity.
Till We Meet Again Charities missions are to honor and serve some of our nation’s bravest individuals.
Our first set of missions is aimed toward the very brave children battling awful diseases in children’s hospitals around the country. We bring art, music, technology, and smiles to these young souls of gold.
I have experienced, firsthand, how therapeutic art and music can be to sick and sometimes dying children. It is a vital component in their treatment! I have seen these kids, who are fighting some very serious diseases, painting rainbows and flowers. I’ve seen how art supplies, books, music, video games and the like have made these tough times just a little easier to endure.
We do this in honor of my son, Dustin James Schrantz, who lost his battle with leukemia at the age of 7. “I love you, Littles!”
The second part of our mission is to honor our military. We are a charity whose Board Members and employees are very proud Americans!
We have goals of having two monuments created and erected honoring our country’s elite Navy SEALS. One of these monuments will stand in San Diego, California. The other will stand in Virginia Beach, Virginia. They will be unlike any monument ever created!
Another of our missions is to travel throughout the country and serve some severely wounded military heroes. We do this by helping where needed at their homes. For instance, if a “Hero” needs a new roof, we will replace it. Not only with the materials to do the job, but also with our own hands to do the work! We also offer that hero’s community to get involved. Through their volunteering, they get the blessing of serving someone who has sacrificed so much for us. I can find no better way to show my support to them than with personal interaction and hands-on help from a team of people who are beyond appreciative.
Till We Meet Again Charities does these things to honor a family member. My “brother” (actually my brother-in-law Tim’s brother) Jason Workman. Jay was one of my heroes! A member of SEAL Team VI, he was killed in action on August 6th, 2011 in Afghanistan. You are missed brother!!!!
Till We Meet Again Charities feels strongly about serving injured military heroes and their families who have sacrificed so much to protect this great country.That’s why we travel the country, gathering volunteers and taking on projects at their homes––tasks as simple as replacing roof shingles or as difficult as a complete home makeover.
If you have a hometown hero who you would like to nominate for a “Hero Project,” please send us a short story about that person and the project needed.
Please help us serve them. Thank you! For more info Till We Meet Again


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