Hollywood flooded the red carpet with an incredible show of support for kids with autism Sunday for the 12th Annual Denim, Diamonds & Stars. The 2017 honorees were OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN, SHERVIN ROOHPARVAR, KIMBERLY HEBERT GREGORY, DR., ANNA GUANCHE AND LILY HESSAMI host and french reporter Jackie Watson was on the scene to catch up with them.
1 in every 68 children in America is diagnosed with autism (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017)
Autism is more prevalent than juvenile diabetes, pediatric cancer, and pediatric AIDS combined
ACT Today! provides immediate and direct care and treatment to children with autism, including behavioral therapy, medical care, assertive technology, basic safety equipment (helmets, fencing, etc.) and social skills programs.
Since the establishment of Denim, Diamonds & Stars, ACT Today! has given more than $1.6 million in care and treatment


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