Go Red for Women – American Heart Association
Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter
Eye on South Florida – Writer/Photographer Lisa Sussman

dining room go Red Event

Did you know that cardiovascular diseases and stroke cause 1 in 3 women’s deaths each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds, don’t worry your not alone.
An estimated 44 million women in the U.S. are affected by cardiovascular diseases. 90% of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease or stroke. The American Heart Disease Association gathers together to honor and support the community of women and their doctors and teams at a luncheon every year. This years event was held at the beautiful Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. The setting was elegant, light and happy with many notable influence’s greeting one another with a cocktail hour filled with treats, bites, and fun to welcome them to this luncheon.

survivor wall

More than 350 people turned out for a luncheon honoring Go Red For Women, the American Heart Association’s campaign for women’s health. The luncheon took place Fri, 21 Apr 2017 11:00:00 AM at the Trump National Golf Club Jupiter. Liz Quirantes was emcee for the luncheon. Proceeds benefit Go Red for Women, the American Heart Association’s movement to empower and educate women to fight heart disease, their number one killer. The red dress affair celebrates the year-long efforts of Palm Beach County philanthropists and business leaders to end heart disease in women. American Heart Association’s Mission statement : Together the women of Go Red can bring a voice to this silent killer to help save lives. We can listen to what our hearts are telling us, talk to our doctors, and spread the word to our friends and community about making the right choices and taking action. Go Red For Women needs you to shatter the silence by choosing to Speak Up about heart disease. Be part of the movement, make choices, speak up and spread the word. By sharing this commitment with Go Red For Women, together we can help save lives. Be a part of this extraordinary day by visiting heart.org


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