imageBy Edwin L. Crammer, CPA – I have been requested by the publisher of this web-site to write a weekly column for them. This came about after I submitted several columns of interest to the publisher that he liked very much.
In real life, I am an Accountant with a successful Accounting and Tax Practice right here in Sunrise. My column will not be about Accounting and or Tax, although, I may try to sneak some information in from time to time. This web-site is not designed for that type of reporting but will instead be based on my business and personal experiences from my thirty six years of living in South Florida. In this column, I will discuss with you both business and personal events and experiences that have either taken place or are about to take place in the South Florida area. They may be of interest to the entire community. Most of what I write about, you will not read anywhere else.
But first, let us look at my photograph at the top of this page. I am better looking than the photograph implies. That is the problem with photographs taken on an I-phone. They tend to make you look 30 years older. Any minor wrinkles you have on your face are exaggerated. You would not know it from the photograph, but I do have a full head of hair.
Seriously folks, I will try to mix my columns up between serious business and personal events going on as well as light discussions of events from my personal perspective. They will include some of the happenings going on now or events that have occurred in the past down here in South Florida.
Writing fifty two interesting columns a year is going to be tough. If you readers have any subjects or stories or events both future or past that you would like for me to share with the readers of this column, feel free to e-mail or telephone me at the contact numbers listed below. No advertisements please.
I would also like to hear your comments on my articles both pro and con so I can improve my skills and style in the future. Oh! by the way, if you are looking for a new Accountant or Tax professional you can use the same contact numbers below to contact my office.
You may contact Edwin L. Crammer CPA at: 954-742-8700
If you have news, facts, or trivia you would like to share you can send it to


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