Max Tucci Chairs SOS Children’s Villages-Florida Hope & Home Gala with Celebrity Host Eva La Rue
SOS Children’s Villages-Florida Hope and Home Annual Gala, Held April 25th, 2015 7pm to 11pm in Boca Raton Florida tickets are $250 and can be purchased online


April 22, 2015 – BOCA RATON, Fla. — Max Tucci chairs ‘An Evening On The Serengeti’ SOS Children’s Villages-Florida Hope and Home Gala, Saturday April 25th, 2015 7pm at Boca West Country Club. CSI:Miami Star Eva La Rue will be the evening’s celebrity host. This marks Tucci’s second time chairing for SOS. Tickets are $250 and are available via

“An Evening On The Serengeti will be an adventure, one that will raise great funds for SOS Children’s Villages-Florida” says Tucci. Tucci is the host of ‘MAX and Friends’ on L.A. Talk Radio and host of ‘Eye On The People’ on WSFL The CW in conjunction with Eye On South Florida and as Private Air New York Spring 2015 magazine recently stated “Max is dedicated philanthropist who uses his expansive wealth of connections and resources to help others. He’s a sought-after patron, a prominent fixture at fundraisers.” Tucci continues by saying “Chairing a gala is an art, one must have a wild imagination and an enormous rolodex filled with generous friends. Speaking of friends, Eva La Rue was my first call. I asked Eva to be my celebrity host, Eva agreed and right then I knew we would have a powerful gala. I then called friends to donate auction items, Jackie Collins and Barbara Taylor Bradford sent baskets of autographed books, Vanessa Noel gave an amazing shopping spree at her Manhattan boutique, Carmen Marc Valvo gave me two front row VIP tickets to his Mercedes-Benz, New York Fashion Week show and AZ Araujo donated two VIP front row tickets to his Mercedes-Benz Miami Swim Show. I then rang up Carla Hall who secured tickets to ‘The Chew’ and Dr. OZ pulled through with VIP tickets and a meet and greet, Lea Black also gave me pieces from her collection. Variety Cruises donated an amazing Canary Island cruise and reality baking star Letty Alvarez from LA Sweetz gave a bake off experience in her Miami store, one of my favorite hotels, Hotel 500 Firenze, minutes from the center of Florence, Italy gave a weeks stay. The auction items are so impressive they are like the who’s who of items.”

Tucci jokingly states, “This years items are also that of “EAT, PRAY, LOVE” New York’s famed Le Cirque donated a dinner and Royal Blues restaurant Chanson gave a brunch for 4 (Eat), for those seeking a spiritual retreat my friends in India and Australia gave stays at their Ashrams (Pray) and artist Salvatore Principe allowed me to choose an original oil on canvas heart painting (Love). And those are just some of the auction items I received. The list goes on, I also have a wonderful co-chair and committee who understand ‘we have not because we ask not’ and by asking they added a super Alaskan Cruise aboard Celebrity Cruises, diamonds from Gregory’s Fine Jewelry in Delray Beach, and hundreds of other fantastic items which will be listed on BidPal.”

Eva La Rue commented “I flew in from L.A. to support my dear friend Max and the children of SOS. I’m looking forward to meeting them at the village before the gala. Max is a gala chair Prince, I’m honored and humbled that he calls upon me to help him.” In addition Max called upon Farah Angsana to dress Eva for the grand soiree. “I’m flying in from Indonesia just for you” says Farah. Angsana continues saying “I love dressing Eva and of course the cause, supporting children in need is beautiful.”

Tucci concludes with, “I’m excited to transform with the assistance of Koncept Events the Boca West Country Club ballroom. From the moment one enters, they will feel as if the African sunset is caressing them, the vibrations of the Africa drums will encourage them to donate, there are surprises at every corner. It’s like an American Express Black Card experience, one that will be forever remembered and it (the gala) helps children in need. It’s all about good Karma and giving back. It is also about getting the community together to eat, dance and donate. There will be over 350 movers and shakers. Like Oprah once told me, “together we rise”.

Tickets for An Evening On The Serengeti, Hope and Home Gala are available via $250 April 25th 7-11pm Boca West Country Club.


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