Celebrity Sweat Annual ESPY Party on the VIP Red Carpet
Los Angeles, 13 July 2017 – The number thirteen has never been this lucky! Jackie the French Reporter joined celebrities and star athletes at the Celebrity Sweat Team’s 13th Annual Red Carpet VIP party at the ESPY awards. The ESPY Awards (short for: Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award) is chosen through voting by fans and professionals in the sporting world, making it a truly connected event, perfect to reach those with open hearts and giving spirits.
Celebrity Sweat annually hosts a red carpet VIP party to support causes that really make a difference in the lives of people in need. This year, the proceeds of the event goes to the Midnight Mission, according to Eric “The Trainer” Fleishman: “Because it is a phenomenal place where they feed the hungry, they feed the homeless and that’s part of our mission; to help those that are less fortunate.”
Tae Bo Master Billy Blanks added: “To be able to give back to the homeless and give them a place to live and give food is an awesome thing.”
However, these ladies and gentlemen care about the wellbeing of everyone who could use an extra leg-up: “Celebrity Sweat is a television programme and an organization that is determined to motivate and inspire those who are not healthy to become healthy,” Eric enlightened us. And boy do they mean it! From using their star power to inspire others to help organisations like Midnight Mission, to motivating coach potatoes everywhere to live a healthier lifestyle, the Celebrity Sweat website is chock full of healthy living ideas, training tips and recipes.
Willie Gault shared with us: “I want to be able to use my status, whatever that is, to be able to help people, encourage them to eat right, do right, do the right thing – that’s what it’s all about.”
Eric Fleishman added: “For woman that want to stay in shape I would ask them to three things. Number one, drink more water. Number two, as soon as you wake up in the morning, go for a brisk walk and get your blood pumping; and number three eat chicken breast, turkey breast, egg whites, fish, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries; you’re gonna look your best.” (We typed the list for you. You’re welcome!)
We’ll “motivate” you, watch the video packed with great tips and ideas regarding health and fitness with fine words of wisdom from Billy Blanks, commenting on those of us who do not always feel like exercising: “You gotta give something to get something. No give, not get.”
To learn more about the ESPY awards, including the complete list of 2017 winners, visit www. http://kwese.espn.com/espys/.
If inspiration is pulsing through your veins (or you’d like to try and find yours) visit Celebrity Sweat at www. http://csweat.com. Try the Flourless Chocolate Cake with Quinoa while you’re there – it could well be a girl’s new best friend.


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