EyeonSouthFlorida.com – Prestige Club of Broward County held a back to school party for their kids at Ron Bergeron’s Ranch this past Saturday. The kids enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs and received much needed school supplies for the upcoming school year. They also got to spend some time with Otter John and the critters from the Everglades! There was also a petting zoo with lambs, calves, horses, goats, chickens and ducks! It was nice to see all the smiling faces.
About Prestige Club
Prestige Club is a not for profit 501c (3) organization, established in 1996. Its purpose is to encompass a networking group of business leaders and help promote their services and skills to the community while at the same time organizing various fundraising, charity, and educational events towards the advancement of people less fortunate. Prestige is an organization that offers love, compassion, support, and assistance to families and children in need. At the present time, Prestige sponsors over twenty-one different non-profit organizations in Broward County that assists towards the growth and development of our society.


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