d13To celebrate the incredible support the Darrell Gwynn Foundation receives from the auto racing and collector car community, the foundation was very proud to host an “Evening with Emerson,” a spectacular night of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auction, and an opportunity to meet two-time Formula One World Championship and Indianapolis 500 winner, Emerson Fittipaldi. In addition, guests had a the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a life change as they donated a custom power wheelchair to an individual living with paralysis. Isabella Valle was the recipient of the $40,000 custom power wheelchair. Host Jessica Koussevitzky was at Ferrari_Maserati of Fort Lauderdale to speak with Darrell & Lisa Gwynn, Indy 500 Champ Ryan Hunter-Reay, the Valle family, and Lee Borkowski of Bar-logistics.

The Darrell Gwynn Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, exists to provide support to those living with paralysis and to prevent spinal cord injuries. Established in 2002 by champion auto racer Darrell Gwynn and his wife, Dr. Lisa Gwynn, the foundation has impacted thousands of individuals through its Wheelchair Donation Program, Education & Prevention Program and Patient Assistance Fund in South Florida and beyond.


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