Spirited South Florida had the unique opportunity to host a gathering of Tequila brands in Fort Lauderdale with the 3J Hospitality team.  On Ocotber24th, the 2nd Annual South Florida Tequila Festival welcomed over 150 Tequila enthusiasts from South Florida to experience its dos annual celebration. The festival was held at Downtown Fort Lauderdale’s Stache 1920’s Drinking Den inside the 3J Hospitality Entertainment complex. An official event of the Florida Day of the Dead festival, the South Florida Tequila Festival featured shots and cocktail samples of popular and special batch brands.

Created to educate, savor, and showcase the famous Mexican spirit, the festival honored 15 different tequila brands with over 40 expressions. Festival-goers were afforded the opportunity to speak with brand representatives and learn about the different processes of growing and harvesting the agave plant. Throughout two stories of Stache 1920’s Drinking Den, brand ambassadors also shared reasons why they believed they are the best tequila manufacturer on the market.

2015 SoFlo Tequila Fest MRA_ QPQ

To win the coveted People’s Choice award, brands brought out their best tequilas, swag and tasty cocktails. A team of six industry judges selected the Best Tequila and the Best Cocktail. I enlisted support from my social media BFFs Big Mouth Girlz power duo Katrina  and Aaron and MRA Photography‘s Jason Leidy, covering the event for my column. Stay tuned for next year’s festival… already in the works!



SpiritedSFL Logos 2015-001 Renée Korbel Quinn | Mixology & Lifestyle Editor creating unique content for  ​Eye on South Florida. Mixing up the latest in craft cocktails, craft beers and culinary experiences. Read my BITES column in Go Riverwalk Magazine and socialize with me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Member of the FRLA, USBG Miami, USBG Palm Beach and ​Tales 365.​ #GetSpiritedSouthFlorida Interested in spirited experiences? Join our conSPIRITors by following our page #SpiritedSouthFlorida. Remember to #DrinkResponsibly


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