3x the Caffeine

Fort Lauderdale offers many options for the popular pick-me-up caffeine. We sampled three locally owned purveyors of coffee bean beverages and each was distinctly their own experience. Check out our favorite coffee picks:


Read the latest issue of Go Riverwalk magazine or pick up a copy around town.

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Mixology Spotlight: Tangerine Dream

MRA_1025Nick Nistico, our favorite bartender and Premier Beverage Company’s Program Specialist and Hospitality & Spirit Educator created an end of summer cooler featuring Bacardi Tangerine. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Bacardi’s first flavored launch, the company has released their latest expression, Bacardi Tangerine. This rum is infused with bold tangerine flavors that provide a tangy, fresh taste. Nick paired this tangy rum with Coco Real purée to create an adult version of the creamsicle. Shake one up or stop by one of these downtown restaurant/bars for a taste of tangerine this season.
 Tag us #SpiritedSouthFlorida and #‎BacardiTangerine




MRenée Korbel Quinn | Mixology & Lifestyle Editor creating unique content for  ​Eye on South Florida. A Downtown Girl Mixing it up in the South Florida scene. The latest in craft cocktails, craft beers and culinary experiences. Read my BITES column in Go Riverwalk Magazine and socialize with me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Interested in spirited experiences? Join our conSPIRITors by following our page #SpiritedSouthFlorida. Photos for Mixologista by MRA Photography. Remember to drink Responsibly.



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