The Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center (CDTC) received a $20,000 grant this month from American Express Charitable Fund in support of the Center’s 20th Annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade. American Express has funded the Basket Brigade for the past two years and, this year, has increased its grant in an effort to help CDTC provide meals to additional families in need. The Center has been providing 1000 Thanksgiving meals to its neediest families each year due, in large part, to the overwhelming support it receives from the community.
The mission of CDTC’s Basket Brigade is to provide some of the Center’s most underprivileged families with a “basket” filled with all the items needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including a turkey. The 20th Annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade was held on Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 8am at the Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center. The Center had over 300 volunteers at the annual festivities and assisted with the assembling and delivering of Thanksgiving meals.


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