August in South Florida is hot and sweltering, so kudos to whomever created #NationalRumDay today! Great excuse to get out the ice and shakeup some cocktails. I reached out to my favorite bartenders for their favorite dark or golden concoctions. Here we go, let’s start with Nick Nistico‘s sleek version of the coconut and rum sensation, the Piña Colada. This cocktail is made with rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice, and is usually served either blended or shaken with ice. Garnish with an orange or pineapple wedge and a plump long stemmed maraschino cherry.


Try this recipe at home in your blender, bullet or shaker:

  • 2 oz Bacardi Rum
  • 2 oz Fresh Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Coconut Cream
  • .5 oz Fresh Lime Juice
  • Garnish: Filthy long stemmed maraschino cherry, orange or pineapple wedge.

Rum Post 8.16.15_900x-postcard



MRenée Korbel Quinn | Mixology & Lifestyle Editor creating unique content for  ​Eye on South Florida. A Downtown Girl Mixing it up in the South Florida scene. The latest in craft cocktails, craft beers and culinary experiences. Read my BITES column in Go Riverwalk Magazine and socialize with me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Interested in spirited experiences? Join our conSPIRITors by following our page #SpiritedSouthFlorida. Photos for Mixologista by MRA Photography. Remember to Summer Responsibly.


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