animal kid“Animal Hero Kids” looking for compassionate kids

Nominations Search for Animal Hero Kids Awards and the New Russell Simmons Creative Award
October 7, 2013/Miami, FL/– Nominations are being sought from Animal Hero Kids (, an all volunteer, 501c3 registered charity that fosters empathy and kindness in children and youth by encouraging and recognizing compassionate and courageous acts helping all species of animals. Animal Hero Kids also offers complimentary, interactive, humane education programs highlighting stories of the rescue and aid of animals in need.

Susan Hargreaves, Animal Hero Kids Founder, has been inspiring youth to be heroes to animals in need for 32 years. “Animal Hero Kids wants to hear about any activity by youth that saves animals lives and/or help keeps animals free from harm,” said Hargreaves. Nominees can be located anywhere in the United States.

Hip-hop mogul and devoted animal advocate Russell Simmons lends his name to a new award category that recognizes and honors young people’s creativity in promoting humane treatment of animals. This award will be given to an individual (or group of persons) 19 or younger who creates a song, dance, poem, speech, rap, video, photography, or piece of art that inspires others to help animals.
The Los Angeles Animal Hero Kids Awards will highlight Animal Hero Kids and youth who help many species of animals and will be held at the magnificent Ten Thirty One Productions’ 400-seat studio in Los Angles on Monday, December 2, 2013.

Another new award category is the “Animal Hero Kids Whistleblower Award” This category spawned after one of our Animal Hero Kids blew the whistle on a Melbourne, FL teen torturing and killing a caged raccoon and opossum while his sister filmed the gruesome act and posted the video on social media. Thanks to the actions of our Animal Hero Kid whistleblower, the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office arrested the teen on felony animal cruelty charges less than 24 hours after the Animal Hero Kid reported the incident.

In additional, awards are given to youth throughout the year to any individual the 19 and younger who has rescued, advocated for, or who protected animals of any species. These winners may be flown to LA to receive their recognition, or the award may be presented to the recipient in a surprise presentation at the winners school.

Nominations are accepted via email at and are open until November 14, 2013. Nominations should contain:
· Contact information for the nominee
· Contact information for the nominee’s parent or guardian
· Information about or examples of the nominee’s creative efforts for the animals
· Links to Internet sites, videos or any news articles about the Animal Hero’s actions
· Nominees must be 19-years-old or younger at the time of nomination.

Past Animal Hero Kids Award recipients include a teen veggie chef with her own cooking show, two friends who called the police on a man shooting birds in their Hollywood, FL neighborhood, a group of children from Liberty City who rescued a dog who was beaten and forced down a sewer grate, an 8-year-old Washington State boy who tirelessly advocates for Lolita, a captive Orca, to be returned to her family pod in the San Juan Islands, teens who spoke at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and successfully banned fox and coyote penning, a boy who forgoes birthday presents each year to help his local humane society, and the list goes on.
The nomination form can be found
For more information, contact Susan Hargreaves at 561-236-8843


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