Support local victims of Human Trafficking by joining The Sarah Movement Bring Sarah Home Event
The Sarah Movement is opening a local safe house~
Start Time 7pm (Doors open at 6pm)
-The TRUTH about Human Trafficking in Our Town. (PG13-recommended)
Speakers include:
Heather Palacios-
Sandi Savage-
Miguel A. Figueroa-Homeland Security Investigations
We will highlight local efforts against Human Trafficking. This presentation will educate our community about the facts of the local activity (recruiting our youth and a growing demand). Survivors will share their story and we will leave you with the awareness to begin to recognize and respond as a unified community. Resources will be available for further education and trauma response.
Big Daddy Weave’s song REDEEMED has spoken to survivors as they journey through the healing process and aligns with the vision of The Sarah Movement. The album “Love Come To Life” and the full set will be presented as we join in understanding that we have a local community of Human Trafficking victims who are in process of Redemption to fully independent and fruitful lives.
“True to form, the project teems with real life and emotion, from longing and struggle to breakthrough and gratitude, with front man Mike Weaver’s forthright songwriting and intimate and unmistakable vocals backed by powerful arrangements and stellar musicianship. It derives its power from the fact that life and music intertwine so fully.” ~Big Daddy Weave
Tickets are $20, $35 for gold circle.
Purchase Here
If you are not able to attend the event, consider making a donation so we can sponsor survivors to attend and be encouraged with our community support.
About The Sarah Movement
We are dedicated to the rehabilitation of adult survivors of human trafficking.
Our Mission
The Sarah Movement serves survivors of human trafficking with a network of support to ensure their transition to independent living and relational healing. We are a long-term transitional home program for victims from and saved in the US.
Ensuring they are equipped to live lives that reflect redemption. We partner with juvenile services and supplement for adults because we believe that there is no age limit to redemption.
Survivors of human trafficking who are associated with The Sarah Movement will share their story with others and contribute to a world of hope and freedom. We encourage all people to share our calling to protect those who are victimized through outreach, education, and preventative programs- as well as in mentoring each unique person’s purpose through love and compassion.


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