imageTHE EVENT Each year the Prestige Club honors individuals or couples whose Community Service helps families in Broward County and helps make Broward County a better place to live. This year’s Honorees are Lauren Book of Lauren’s Kids Foundation, James Donnelly of Castle Group and past president of the Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Broward County, Mayor Frank Ortis City of Pembroke Pines, and Arlene Pecora, the owner of Signature Grand.
The Renaissance Ball this year was chaired by CEO/Founder of Prestige Club Polly Wilkie, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Oller-Nova Southeastern, Johnnine Porter, vice president of Community Bank of Broward, Stan Bostic, national director of communications for Rick Case Automotive and Diana Constantine, a Prestige board member. Guests enjoyed a great dinner, live and silent auctions, and entertainment by World Wide Entertainment. Attire: Renaissance costumes or black tie.
At the cocktail party, Signature Grand had an open wine bar. A Renaissance quartet played during cocktail hour. Guests were escorted to the ball by three buglers. Court jesters, jugglers and stilt dancers were among the entertainment.
Past honorees are Jen Klaassens-Wasie, Alligator Ronnie Bergeron, Ali Waldman, radio personality Paul Castronovo, Rita & Rick Case, Doris Muscarelli of Ladies of the Roundtable, and Dr. George L. Hanbury II, president of Nova Southeastern University. King Luis knights the honorees with real engraved swords. Kristi Kruger is emcee.
THE CAUSE The Mission of Prestige Club is to improve the lives of children who are less fortunate, experience health issues, and can be assisted by additional education or lifestyle enhancements.


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