Season 1 Episode 3

photo 1(12)Host Max Tucci sits down with author and motivational speaker Vicki Higgins.

photo 2(12)

About Vicki
Vicki Higgins loves her life; she has a dream job, lives in paradise and feels blessed to have successfully merged her work with her passion. But things weren’t always so positive.

Like many women, Vicki has experienced her share of hardships. But rather than just enduring them, she transformed them into pieces of her modern day success story. And now, as a leading marketing executive, Vicki is passionate about helping other women turn their adversities into abundance.

When Vicki realized how many people find themselves feeling unfulfilled – or stuck – due to an adversity or challenge, she made it her mission to teach them how to quickly overcome the obstacles that keep them from creating their own BEST lives.

For more info on Vicki Higgins


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