LustOur final deadly sin, rounding out this devilish journey is Fornicatio aka Lust, the inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. In Dante’s Inferno, unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane-like winds symbolic of their own lack of self-control to their lustful passions in earthly life. Your punishment? To be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses.

For this cocktail created by Premier Beverage’s master Mixologist Nick Nistico, he brought out the coveted  golden pineapple.

Blood Lust
2 oz Stoli Elit
3 oz Fresh Pineapple
1 oz Tuaca Vanilla Liquor
Shake with ice and strain over ice into glass

Def Leppard’s tune Animal is playing as I write this: A wild ride, over stony ground. Such a lust for life, the circus comes to town. We are the hungry ones, on a lightning raid. Just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame. Oh, I burn for you. I gotta feel it in my blood, whoa, oh I need your touch don’t need your love, whoa, oh. And I want, and I need, and I lust, animal. And I want, and I need, and I lust, animal. With that we end our journey. Special thanks to Nick Nistico and Jason Leidy, my partners for this sinfully fun project.


MRenée Korbel Quinn | Mixology & Lifestyle Editor
Creating unique content for Eye on South Florida. A Downtown Girl Mixing it up in the South Florida scene. The latest in craft cocktails, craft beers and culinary experiences. Connecting with spirited friends to share ideas, stories and life! Think of it as “Cocktail Therapy”. Read her BITES column in Go Riverwalk Magazine and get social on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


*The Seven Deadly Sins
Avaritia: Greed – Wanting too much of something – Boiled in oil 
Gula: Gluttony – Taking too much of something in – Forced to eat rats, snakes, spiders, toads 
Fornicatio: Lust – The need to fulfill unspiritual desires – Roasted by fire and brimstone 
Invidia: Envy – Jealousy; wanting to have what someone has – Encased in freezing water 
Acedia: Sloth – Being too slow or lazy at doing something – Thrown into snake pits
Ira: Wrath – Vindictive anger; revenge – Torn apart, limb from limb 
Superbia: Pride – Being too self absorbed – Broken on the wheel 


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