2014_AUG_THINK-2From THINK Magazine: Pop Up Old Fashioned Series at Stache

This August we are teaming up with Stache, 1920’s Drinking Den and Premier Beverage’s Nick Nistico for a sultry summer event every Friday & Saturday evening from 9 pm to midnight at the swanky Library Bar.

Whiskey, bitters, sugar and ice are the basics of the Old Fashioned. Early descriptions of this classic cocktail display a creativity allowing anything from rye to gin to brandy as a base with whatever bitters you happened to have, ice, and a little sugar. This iconic cocktail is the most beloved, fought-over and discussed spirit. Its formula is simple, but how you combine those ingredients—in what proportion, using which brands, and with what kind of garnish—is the subject of much impassioned debate. Today’s Old Fashioned offers plenty of room for invention and experimentation.

Here are a few of Nick Nistico’s creations:

  • Old Forester Bourbon 100 Butter Pecan Old Fashioned
  • Bacardi 8 Banana Nut Old Fashioned
  • Rhum Clement Martinique Old Fashioned
  • High west Double Rye Cowboy Killer Old Fashioned

Where: Library Bar at Stache 1920’s Drinking Den | 109 SW 2nd Ave, Fort Lauderdale

When: Aug 1/2/8/9/15/16/22/23/29/30


MRenée Korbel Quinn | Mixology & Lifestyle Editor
Creating unique content for Eye on South Florida. A Downtown Girl Mixing it up in the South Florida scene. The latest in craft cocktails, craft beers and culinary experiences. Connecting with spirited friends to share ideas, stories and life! Think of it as “Cocktail Therapy”. Read her BITES column in Go Riverwalk Magazine and get social on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.


2014_AUG_THINK_MIX_FBMRA Photography for Mixologista



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